Doing What You CAN

Pursuing our goals, it can be overwhelming to make meaningful progress if we don’t keep in mind that we can only do so one day at a time.

If you could do everything you needed to accomplish a big goal in a single day, it probably wouldn’t be a worthwhile goal. Conversely, the more ambitious and serious your goal is, the more your success depends on consistent, daily efforts that are more small scale: things you CAN do, bit by bit.

The cumulative effect of this approach, of course, is powerful, and the impact of doing a little to better yourself and reach your objectives each day is that you are more likely to remain motivated when you accept what you can accomplish in a given day and work on getting things done one step at a time. This also prevents burnout from tackling more that you can or pushing yourself to an unhealthy or unrealistic limit.

In tutoring, what this means is that each weekly session has actionable, practical goals in response to a given set of circumstances. We don’t become experts in mathematics or English in a day, or even a week, but with consistency, we can make drastic improvements in a relatively short amount of time.

Roni LaBarbera